Huawei Cloud API
发布商:Huawei Cloud
Huawei Cloud API opening and integration.

华为云 API


  • 搜索功能,包括 API、SDK、示例、云服务、错误码
  • 查看华为云 API 文档、SDK 代码示例,调试 API
  • 查看 Codelabs 示例文档及源码
  • 下载示例代码文件
  • SDK 代码智能自动补全、SDK 自动引入依赖
  • SDK 代码通过 Codelens 查看 API 文档、跳转调试 API
  • KooCLI 命令自动补全



1.打开 IDE Online。

2.在扩展商店中搜索 "Huawei Cloud API", 查看详情并安装。


1. 点击左侧的 Huawei Cloud API 插件logo,展开插件左侧侧边栏。

2. 左侧侧边栏可浏览、收藏 云服务,也可 记录最新浏览云服务API示例,选中您感兴趣的云服务、API 或示例,右侧页面会展示详细的内容。

3. 也可点击左侧侧边栏华为云 APIAPI 主页按钮,点击之后右侧页面会展示搜索页,可以搜索云服务、API、SDK、示例、错误码

4. 也可打开 Java、JavaScript、TypeScript、Go 语言文件,输入 API 名称体验 SDK 代码智能自动补全功能。

5. 也可打开 Java 文件,在 SDK 代码智能自动补全后, 引入相应 SDK 包,体验 SDK 代码 Codelens 跳转功能。

6. 也可打开 .sh 或 .bat 脚本文件,输入 'hcloud ' 体验 KooCLI 命令自动补全功能。


注: 插件当前仅支持华为云中国站配套的云服务,国际站或中国站用户如果购买了配套的中国站云服务,您的数据将储存在中国大陆;具体详见《隐私政策声明

Huawei Cloud APIs

This extension provides the following functions:

  • Search APIs, SDKs, cloud services, and error codes
  • View Huawei Cloud API documentation and SDK code samples, and debug APIs
  • SDK code auto-completion and dependency import
  • View API documentation and debug APIs via Codelens
  • KooCLI command auto-completion

Version Description


Installing the Extension

  1. Open IDE Online.

  2. Search for Huawei Cloud APIs in the extension marketplace, view details, and install the extension.

Operation Guide

1. Click the Huawei Cloud APIs extension logo on the left to expand the left pane.

2. In the left pane, browse and favorite cloud services, view latest cloud service and API browsing records, and view details.

3. Click Homepage on the left of the Huawei Cloud APIs extension, and search cloud services, APIs, SDKs, and error codes.

4. Open a Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, or Go file, and enter an API name to try intelligent auto-completion.

5. Open a Java file, import the corresponding SDK package through intelligent auto-completion, and try Codelens.

6. Open a .sh or .bat script file, and enter 'hcloud ' to try KooCLI command auto-completion.

Public IP Addresses to Use

Note: This extension supports only cloud services available on Huawei Cloud Chinese mainland website. For users both in and outside China who have purchased these cloud resources, their data will be stored in the Chinese mainland. For details, see Privacy Statement.